Newsletter June 2013

Dear Friend of MBMB,Remember; you are all invited to provide us with your own write-ups, articles, or Audio materials that you feel would be of interest to the community. we have received some ideas that will be published in the next issue next month. 

Thank you for opening this newsletter (Pleased to see your growing attention) !!! …Long time no speaks, you are welcome to Cesaire Centenary Celebration!!!

MBMB invites you to meet us or email your ideas and offer help at any level. Come to join us as a member or as a committee member. Call us on 02033710307 or email us at 

MBMB’s mission and values: Assist not only the French-speaking Caribbean but also the Creole community in the United-Kingdom.Share and promote the French Caribbean and other Creole cultures with other communities support our actions and charitable projects in the Creole islands through fundraising create a common platform to bring together Creole Communities in the UK to network and help the community at large to discover our culture what’s ON: Cesaire Centenary Celebration-

Today June 24, 2013, 

At the French Institute,17 Queensberry Place,London SW7 2DT The 10th MBMB CREOLE DAY on the 28th of September 2013.  

Your help is welcome!!!